Attorney Jd Cook

John David “Jd” Cook is an Ashland, Kentucky native. Mr. Cook attended Morehead State University and received a BA in 2018. Jd then attended the Salmon P. Chase College of Law in Northern Kentucky and completed his JD in 2022. Mr. Cook swore in to the practice of law in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 2024.

Mr. Cook focuses his practice primarily in the area of family law (Divorces, Custody, Domestic Violence, Adoption, Prenuptial Agreements, etc.) and is willing to consult on a wide variety of other legal matters and concerns.

  • Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Highland Heights, Kentucky, 2022, Juris Doctorate (JD)

    Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, 2018, Bachelor of Arts (BA)

  • Kentucky Bar Association, Member, Family Law Section Member, Young Lawyers Division Member

    Northern Kentucky Bar Association, Member, Family Law Section Member, Young Lawyers Division Member

  • Legal Training for Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse Cases